Learn 25 two-letter sounds. A digraph is a pair of letters that make a unique sound. Learning digraphs is critical to reading success. I recommend moving to digraphs after your kiddo has mastered letter sounds and blending letters.
You can also use these cards to practice letter recognition and memory game!
- ar - art
- th - bath
- ch - cheese
- sh - shoe
- ph - dolphin
- wh - whale
- ea - beach
- ou - cloud
- ai - rain
- ie - pie
- ee - bee
- oo - book
- oo - moon
- er - flutter
- ur - surf
- oi - coin
- oy - toy
- oa - toast
- ui - fruit
- ay - play
- ow - cow
- ue - blue
- au - auto
- igh - light
- ea - bear